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Lamont rejects notion that endorsing Ganim is endorsing fraud and corruption

Former candidate for mayor, Lamond Daniels backed Ganim last week.

The fourth and final vote for mayor of Bridgeport is less than a week away and incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim just picked up some powerful endorsements. Gov. Ned Lamont is supporting Ganim and some are wondering why he would get involved in a race that has been in the national spotlight for election fraud.

Former candidate for mayor, Lamond Daniels backed Ganim last week. “I’m eager to form a partnership with him,” said Daniels. Lamont provided his endorsement to Ganim on Tuesday. “I support him,” said Lamont.

They are both big endorsements as voters in Bridgeport approach their fourth mayoral election in the last six months. It’s an election that’ll cost taxpayers another $125,000 and it’s an election that’s only happening because a judge found ballot fraud was committed by Ganim supporters including Wanda Geter. The Chief State’s Attorney's Office is still investigating the case. Has Governor Lamont checked in with them? “I have a little bit. The wheels of justice are too slow,” remarked Lamont. “I think it’s really important that you hold people accountable, and you hold them accountable on a timely basis.”

Lamont was asked  if that means he would like to see charges filed swiftly against Geter. He replied, “If merited, yes.” Boes he think they are merited? “I think I’ll let the courts rule on that,” added Lamont.

No charges have been filed so far. Four state superior court judges in the last six years have found Bridgeport to be the epicenter of ballot fraud in Connecticut. 

As for their relationship, Lamont and Ganim have an interesting history. Ganim ran against Lamont for Governor in 2018. They are political foes turned friends. “I’ve worked with five governors. I’ve had the best working relationship with you,” said Ganim to Lamont following his endorsement.  

Ganim was originally elected in 1991. He served until 2003 when he resigned following his conviction on federal corruption charges. He received a nine year sentence and was released in 2010 following a reduction of his sentence due to successful participation in prison programs. He worked for his family's law firm, since he was no longer allowed to practice law. He ran again for mayor successfully in 2015 and was reelected in 2019. 

What does Lamont say to those who suggest that his endorsement of Joe Ganim is an endorsement of fraud and corruption? “That was then, now is now,” replied Lamont. “Everybody deserves that second chance and give him a fresh look.”

So why would a popular Governor risk his reputation to weigh in on a messy race tied to election fraud that has entered the national spotlight? One name - Mario Testa. He’s the powerful boss of the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee. Testa recently sent a letter to state party officials demanding they back Ganim. Testa said that after decades of delivering Democratic victories in state and national elections, he, “has the right to expect the full support of his brothers and sisters.”

Lamont was asked if Testa’s influence had anything to do with Lamont’s endorsement. “I haven’t talked to Mario in many months,” said the Governor.

Ganim’s opponent, John Gomes, says the governor is sending the wrong message. “He’s saying it’s okay to accept the corruption of the Democratic town committee and its chairperson Mario Testa in awarding those for the crimes they’ve committed,” said Gomes.

Mario Testa and the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee are now the subject of an ethics complaint that alleges Testa has been running the committee like a secret society cutting back room deals.

RELATED: Mayoral candidate says he won't quit Connecticut race marred by ballot issues, despite primary loss

RELATED: Bridgeport voters prepare to cast final ballot in mayoral campaign

Matt Caron is a reporter at FOX61 News. He can be reached at mcaron@fox61.com. Follow him on Facebook, X and Instagram.

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