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Family working together during stay at home order

Working from home is an adjustment as you have to go about doing your job in a different way than you have before

CONNECTICUT, USA — Since the coronavirus pandemic began we have all been adapting to staying at home, which includes different things for everyone. 

Working from home is an adjustment as you have to go about doing your job in a different way than you have before. Even those who have been working from home, like Theresa Perkin, it is unlike what a typical day was like in the past; “I’m usually home alone working and now you have to adjust.”

Students also have to complete their school work, which has also moved online. William Perkin, a freshman at SCSU, says that having classes moved online is a lot harder since he isn’t able to get help as easily. 

It is all a new experience for everyone as we settle into our new normal work and school routines. Working together to make sure everyone is succeeding is what family is all about. 

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According to Governor Lamont, there has been nearly a four-week decline of hospitalizations from COVID-19 in Connecticut: "We're about 53% below the peak."

The latest daily summary shows hospitalizations dropped by 17 to 920.

The initial goal was to increase testing capacity in the state to a rate of 42,000 COVID-19 diagnostic tests per week by May 20th.

"That seemed a little ambitious when we said 42,000 tests a week. Going back a few weeks ago now we weren't even close to that number," Governor Lamont said. "As you see now, we have achieved that number. We've done 45,000 tests in the last seven days. So, we've probably doubled our capacity in a week or so."

Governor Lamont said the state has also secured laboratory capacity to 70,000 per week growing to over 100,000 tests per week by mid-June.

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As of May 18th, a total number of 177,679 tests for COVID-19 have been performed in Connecticut.

According to Governor Lamont, the state's contact tracing program is operational. Created in partnership with Microsoft, the initiative called ContaCT will help track and trace COVID-19 in Connecticut.

"What was important that we get this program up and operating by May 20th, and that we have done," Governor Lamont said.

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