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Chaos on the roads in New Britain is captured by security footage

A reckless driver was caught on camera barreling down South Street in New Britain, clipping other cars before eventually crashing.

NEW BRITAIN, Conn. — A video provided to FOX61 shows a grey Nissan Rogue driving west down South Street in New Britain Friday afternoon. The driver appears to drive over one vehicle and can be seen pushing another into the opposite lane.

The vehicle keeps going, taking out a stop sign, side-swiping a pole and driving on the sidewalk before returning to the road, but not before causing yet another car to go in the opposite lane. Then, video from further down South Street shows the vehicle after it smashed into the bed of a white pickup truck and was being dragged down the road. 

This was a wreck that shocked business owners in the area even though they say it's a common problem. This wreck left behind a bumper, license plate and car parts scattered throughout the road. Speed and reckless driving is an issue that business owners on South Street say they deal with often. 

"At night people speed down the road," said Matt Gallo, the owner of Gallo Auto. "The stop signs, you know, people don't always abide by them."  

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"This street is crazy - there's races all the time, speeding, and I think the city needs to do something about it," said Bez Bicaji. 

FOX61 spoke with Bicaji about how the danger of South Street impacts his business. He says that test drives are more difficult because people blow stop signs.

Both business owners agreed that something needs to be done to create a safer road.

Gallo said, "Officers I know do the best they can to contain it, but it's a never-ending problem here." 

FOX61 has reached out to the New Britain Police Department to see if the driver in this crash was charged or if anyone was hurt and will keep you updated when the police respond. 

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Alexa Farrell is a reporter for FOX61 News. She can be reached at afarrell@fox61.com. Follow her on Facebook and Instagram


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