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World-renowned marine life artist revisits New London to repaint mural

The old mural, which featured sperm whales, dolphins, birds, and more, had been falling apart over the years.

NEW LONDON, Conn. — After years of falling into disrepair, and being covered up, the "Whaling Wall" mural on Eugene O'Neill Dr. in New London has gotten a facelift. The original artist, who goes by "Wyland", came back to New London this week to redo the 175-foot-long and 35-foot-high painting.

It's one of only 100 by the artist, placed all around the world.

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"So this was a way for people to take a look and maybe ask more questions about what goes on under the ocean that we don't know about. That's really the whole point of these marine life murals. Because it's one of the few ways you can see these great marine mammals at scale," said Steve Creech, President of the Wyland Foundation.

Wyland and his fellow foundation members arrived in New London on Thursday, spending the weekend painting the massive sperm whales and a new giant squid on the wall.

On Monday, they hosted a community celebration. Since then, hundreds have been stopping by to see the artwork.

"The Wyland Foundation is a nonprofit that was founded by marine life artist, Wyland, over 30 years ago. With the idea of bringing people together for clean water and healthy oceans," Creech said.

Wyland fell in love with New London when he visited more than three decades ago, knowing it would make a great place for a masterpiece.

"He thought this mural could provide more life and vibrance to the city," Creech said.

The old mural, which featured sperm whales, dolphins, birds, and more, had been falling apart over the years. Creech said the city reached out several times, hoping that they could redo it. And finally, they were able to make it happen.

"We had done the last project, the last of his 'Whaling Wall' mural projects in Beijing, China for the 2008 Olympics. And over the years, people had reached out to us about the mural in New London. And everybody was trying to take care of it, you know the weather played a role and the wall starting degrading," Creech said. "And at that time, Wyland wasn't doing anymore of these murals but, you know, a few months ago the city wrote a letter and explained why they thought it would be beneficial and helpful to the city and inspiring to the whole community, and you know, it touched our hearts."

The foundation decided to also pair this mural with their National Mayor's Challenge for Water Conservation, which runs through the month of April. The idea is to have towns and cities across the country have their neighbors 'buy in' to the idea of conserving water for the month. Participants in the winning cities are eligible to win hundreds of prizes.

To take part the foundation is asking people to visit this website, take the pledge, and spread the message. 


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