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Vice President Kamala Harris visits Boys and Girls Club of New Haven to discuss the American Rescue Plan with CT lawmakers

People from surrounding neighbors began trickling in and stood outside of the Roberto Clemente Elementary School, eager to find out the details of the visit.

NEW HAVEN, Conn. — The Elm City had tight security throughout the day on Friday as Vice President Kamala Harris paid a visit to the New Haven Boys and Girls Club. 

Residents arrived early with hopes to get a front seat of the vice president's visit.

"I don't even really know what to say. I'm just so happy to be here," said Sharatter Todd of New Haven. 

"Just to have the first African American or female of color in the office of Vice President of the United States - that’s exciting," said Quints Davis of New Haven. 

People from surrounding neighbors began trickling in and stood outside of the Roberto Clemente Elementary School, eager to find out the details of the visit.

Around noontime, a news conference kicked off and Mayor Justin Elicker was joined by lawmakers to talk about the exciting day. 

"This is a big moment for our city and our state," said Mayor Elicker of the City of New Haven.

Senators Richard Blumenthal, Chris Murphy, and Representative Rosa DeLauro applauded the efforts of President Biden and Vice President Harris for kickstarting the American Rescue Plan and the Child Tax Credit.

"Half the children in Connecticut. 608,000 children who are in poverty. That is a historic accomplishment," said Senator Richard Blumenthal. 

Moments after the news conference is when crowds began to get hyped. More and more people flooded the streets and they got so excited police had to push everyone back to the sidewalks and eventually put up police tape. 

Harris later arrived at the Boys and Girls Club and waved to the crowd from afar. Accompanied by Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, she greeted everyone with an elbow bump. 

She spoke in-depth about the inspiration behind the American Rescue Plan and said the pandemic has accelerated the challenges being faced by the country. 

"It is also about their parents, it is about working people, it is about our economy, the connection between childcare and all of these other systems are so direct," said Harris.

Harris' meeting at the Boys and Girls Club wrapped up after 3 p.m. and she made a quick exit out of the Elm City to make West Haven her next stop. 


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